
Regeneration and Recovery

I have a few more defining moments that I want to write about tomorrow, but I thought I'd take a break from all my ironman philosophizing and take a day off. So yesterday I did. On my day off, I read about taking a day off. 

I found THIS ARTICLE about taking a break from writing. 

Do what athletes often do on rest days—cross-train. Instead of practicing their chosen sport every day, athletes cross-train by doing a lower-impact activity, like walking, swimming, yoga, or Pilates, or one that taps into different muscles and movements.

And, I found THIS ARTICLE about REGENERATION and active recovery.  Here are a few key points:

In "active rest," you take a break from serious training but still do things that benefit your body, such as playing golf, tennis, or basketball, or doing some lightly flexibility work. You’re not training per se, but you’re still getting the benefit of physical activity. Not only that, you’re having fun.

Your body actually improves and adapts to stress on regeneration days, when you’re recovering from the high-intensity days.

Regeneration also is vital from a mental standpoint. If I have you train hard 6 days a week and challenge your endurance and confidence every day, you’re going to burn out. Even pro athletes would drop out. But if you can relax a bit, you’ll not only look forward to those easy days but also be inspired to work harder on your more difficult training days. 

So, I took yesterday off despite a vow to publish something everyday. I read instead. I watched a well-written movie [CAPTAIN PHILLIPS]. I drafted a newsletter and a promotional email for Masonboro.Org and Fitness for Life. I cross-trained my writing so that I'll be revved up and ready to go for the next chapter.