
Week in the Life - Monday and Tuesday

I thought it would be interesting to chronicle a week in the life now -- in the pre-season -- and later in the year when Ironman training gets going.  I've always wanted to see how many articles of clothing and how much food happens in a week.  So, here goes. 

MONDAY --------

5:00am      ALARM. Sit up. Stretch. Walk to the closet. Transition One: my clothes are already laid out for the first event of the day. 

5:10am     Let the dog out. Look up at the stars. Feed the dog. Breakfast Snack: banana and a homemade pumpkin muffin. Fix coffee. 

5:30am     Load my bike on the truck. Throw my spin bag in the front seat.

5:40am     Leave for the YWCA. Sing along to the Grateful Dead on XM.

6:00am     Coach a TriClub bike session with Ruth, Beth, Jeannie and Joe. We play name-that-bike-part. Lucinda gets to be a model for the day. 

7:00am     Pack up my bike gear and bags and head home.Transition Two: Shower and another change of clothes.

9:00am     Brunch Bunch. Small Group feeds my Soul.  

11:00am   Errands.

11:50am   Transition Three: Change from cute outfit to bike shorts and tri top and bike shoes. 

NOON:     Spin Class at the Fit Center

1:00:        Corrective Exercise. I cuss my coach. 

2:00pm     Home, James. Lunch. Coaching Catch-Up. Blog. 

6:30pm     Dinner and the News and by news I mean the Daily Show with Jon Stewart and The Colbert Report. Set Up Transition One for Tomorrow: Swimsuit. Towel. Sweats. Post WKO Dry Clothes.

9:00pm    Thinking about Sleep. 

9:30pm     Horizontal. Lights Out. Listening to Sugar snore. 

TUESDAY  --------

4:45am    ALARM. The Good Morning Song makes me happy every time. 

5:00am     Transition One. Shuffle to let the dog out. 

5:05am     Eat half a pumkin muffin. Prep my nutrition/hydration for the swim. One scoop of Amino Vital Pro.

5:28am     Arrive at YWCA pool. Chat with Meredith. Chat with Lance. Jump in and do 50 x 75 yards. That's 3800 yards. That's 2.1 miles. 

7:00am     Transition Two: change into yoga top, yoga pants, beanie cap, TriStacey shirt and fleece for the drive home.

7:15am     Breakfast: half of a mushroom and spinach and mozzarella and basil frittata. One slice of toast with strawberries smashed on top and an orange. [I think I'm writing all the food because I'm starving!]

8:00am     Coach: prep for new spin class, watch film footage of tri club swimmers, review webinar.

11:30am     Transition Three: Spin Class gear. And mascara.  

NOON       Spin Class with two new peeps! One was 15 minutes late! :) 

1:00p       Walgreens! I got lost in the Valentine's Day card aisle. Anna, Dad and Neal - SPOILER ALERT!!! I got you a punny card. :) 

This Ain't It - But It's Cute
1:30pm    Lunch and Phone Time! Connecting with friends and clients. 

3:30pm    Transition Four: Headband + 3 Tops + Jacket + Run Tights + Gloves + Socks and Newtons. 

3:40pm     Dog Dynamics. That means I walk Sugar around the neighborhood twice. Once like a normal person and once while dancing around for warm-ups. I like side shuffles and grapevines and skipping and bounding. I've had people stop me and ask, "What are you DOING?"

4:30pm    Transition Five: back to yoga top and spin bike shorts for stretching and cool down. I did a 15 minute yoga flow. It was a little like a dance - everything was on an 8-count. I pretended I looked like this chick: 

5:30pm    Track my Training. Log my workouts into Training Peaks and complain to my coach about how sloggy my run felt today. 

6:00pm    Start making dinner.

The rest of today will include Transition No. Five: pajamas and dinner. Maybe a glass of wine? Though not in that order.