So yesterday, my brand new truck got hit. In the parking lot of Whole Foods. By someone's nose.
I was sitting in my car during a typical busy lunch hour, talking on the phone to my most famous and favorite Hollywood writer and director friend-who-shall-not-be-named. I happened to look in the rear view mirror when suddenly.... WHAM!!! I heard a thud and watched a woman's head jerk back. I put my friend on standby and jumped out of my car and asked if she was okay.
I'mokayI'mokayI'mokay! she exclaimed which made me giggle a little bit to myself because it INSTANTLY reminded me of Judy Grimes.
Come to Think of It, She Looked Like Kristin Wiig - But with Better Hair |
I'mokayI'mokayI'mokay, she repeated. Then she fessed up: I was looking in my purse and not where I was going. I hit your bike rack. Then, she added: If it didn't hurt so bad it would be funny.
No Damage to Phalcon. Only to the TailGater |
It looked like it hurt. The bridge of her nose was bleeding - she had slightly scraped the skin. But, it didn't look broken. I asked if I could do anything and she declined. I'll just get something for it inside, she insisted and hurried away.
I jumped back in my car. I wondered aloud (I was still on the phone) if I should leave the lot. I laughed - but only a little. A little while later, I saw her walk back to her car - giving my bike rack a wide berth. I noticed a band-aid covered the gash in her nose. She drove away and then I allowed myself a little more laughter.
I feel bad because she wasn't really texting and walking (which I alluded to yesterday). Technically, she was looking into her clutch (for her phone?) and looked up at the last minute to find my rack in her face. I also feel bad because my bike rack is bigger than most - it carries four bikes and it connected to a hitch. But that also makes it more visible than most. Here's my reenactment: