LoTider Winners |
Dirty Spice won the cursing contest just days later. You might remember that I've been giving up something each month. In March, I gave up cuss words. Every time I said a four-letter word, I gave a dollar to the pot. By the end of the month I had $25 saved up. That's nearly a word a day - awful! Many of mine were not even worth a buck - curses muttered underneath my breath all alone. The five dollar bill was a very expensive run on March 20 when I cursed at a driver that almost hit me on a training run and flipped him both birds (worth $2). Evidently, I have a potty mouth.
I've been out on my bike a lot more now that the weather has turned. A few weekends ago, we crossed paths with THIS:
Two gargoyles guarding a dirt driveway. You might think that the resemblance is uncanny in the picture - and you might be right. Turns out, the name on the mailbox on said dirt driveway is FORMYDUVAL - my maiden name! I'm pretty sure we never visited here for a Thanksgiving meal or family reunion - but I bet we're related somehow.
Stay tuned for more in the month of May.
Stay tuned for more in the month of May.