
Jedi Mind Tricks

I am a young Jedi when it comes to mental training. But, I am unlearning what I have learned -- in many respects. First off, I'm unlearning silence. I am lucky: so far, I've had company on most of my workouts. Michelle, Beth, Erica, Jen M., Jen Y, Nicole, Jess, Renee, Leanne and Ben - have been joined me in my recent swims, rides and runs. They are patient with my heart-rate workouts. They help me keep pace, they  help pass the time. We laugh and plan and tell stories. We out-run dogs and the heat. I am so lucky that what I was told could be a lonely journey has turned into a party at times.

Of course, many of my runs have been alone....and more are coming. I've added two more workouts each week (up to nine now) and I know I will be doing a lot of them in solitude. Some say silence is golden and I admit there are moments that I LOVE the quiet. However, I've known for a while that out of the quiet comes discouragement and apathy. My mind can concoct a zillion ways to tell me in the middle of a three-hour ride that I'm too tired, or that this is hard, or that I really don't need to finish the whole workout.

I am unlearning how to talk to myself in the quiet. Instead of listening to the voice that says: turn around, young jedi, I'm redirect my thoughts. In fact, I think of Yoda a lot.  Do or do not. There is no try, I hear him say. I hear Obi Wan: use the force. [By the way: which makes me crazier? signing up for a half-iron tri or hearing voices? Don't answer that.]

In truth, I try to memorize quotes. I like this month's:

Running is a big question mark that’s there each and every day. It asks you, ‘Are you going to be a wimp or are you going to be strong today? [Peter Maher - Olympian]

I play a few mind tricks to make the time go by a little faster. From the very start of my training years ago, I began to count from one to one hundred and one hundred to one in french. All to the beat of my footfalls. Lately, I've added conjugating verbs in french! I run: Je cours, tu cours, il court, nous courons, vous courez, elles courent. I go: Je vais, tu vas, il va, nous allons, vous allez, ils vont.

I also alphabetize my gratitudes as I go. I think of all the things I'm grateful for this week. Many are people. Most are foods. Here's a sample from last week:

A - ACE Engineering
B - Beth Sheppard joining me for sunrise over Dillards
C - champagne tasting at wine sampler
D - ditching one run workout
E - excellent melon and honeydew salsa
F - fire rocket red visit with angela
G - grady white social with beth and the swim for zoe trial run
H - halyburton run with jess and beth
I - indian spiced okra
J - jenna shaw
K - key lime pie ice cream
L -  lake run with erica, injanca, leanne, ben and tina
M - michelle and jen m. and our ride to rocky point
N - nikki's sushi
O - oleander produce fresh peaches
P - porch yoga
Q - quiet
R - running in the rain for 3.1 miles
S - stopping to visit louise from hallsboro
T - top ten reasons to cycle indoors presentation
U - uno with the bailes
V - visit with lisa and mattie
W - walk with sugaree at 5am - shooting stars!
X - new runner's world issue arrived [x can be any letter]
Y - you
Z - zebra stripe idea for birthday cards

I'd love to know your jedi mind tricks. Until then, I'll be practicing mine.

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